My Love of Mathematics
by Moshe Shweiger
My Love of Mathematics
by Moshe ShweigerI am retired now after having a successful
career in computer science and programming
and for several years now I have been
fulfilling my desire to indulge in the beauty
of mathematics and understand modern
physics and the associated mathematics.
In my website here, I am sharing my favorite
gems of mathematical beauty and logical
puzzles. I hope you will enjoy them too.
"Mathematics is the language of God.
Anyone who interacts with mathematics
is basically communicating with God."- Moshe Shweiger
"God used beautiful mathematics
in creating the world."
- Paul Dirac
"Geometry supplied God with patterns
for the creation of the world."
- Johannas Kepler
"Mathematics is the Queen of the sciences."
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
"A mathematial equation stands forever."
- Albert Einstein
Great Mathematicians
Ancient Greek GeometerCarl Friedrich Gauss
1777-1855Leonard Euler
1707-1783Sir Isaac Newton
Augustin-Louis Cauchy
1789-1857Pythagoras of Samos
Ancient Greek
PhilosopherPierre-Simon Laplace
1749-1827Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
David Hilbert
1862-1943Srinivasa Ramanujan
1887-1920Pierre de Fermat
1607-1665Bernhard Riemann
1826-1866John von Neumann