Gem 17: The Bank Teller's Predicament Puzzle
The Bank Teller's Predicament Puzzle It was a strange lapse on the part of the bank teller. Evidently he
misread the check, for he handed out the amount of the dollars
in cents, and the amount of the cents in dollars. When the error
was pointed out to him he became flustered, made an absurd
arithmetical mistake, and handed out a dollar, a dime, and a cent
more. But the customer declared that he was still short of his due.
The teller pulled himself together, doubled the total amount he
had already given to the customer, and so precisely settled the
transaction to the latters satisfaction.
What was the amount of the check? Note: Here we must solve an equation where we require positive
integer solutions. This requirement places the problem in a large
and famous Class of problems known as Diophantine equations
named for third century Greek mathematician Diophantus. The
concept of zero was not invented yet in the third century.
Click here to see Moshe Shweiger's solution...
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